This year for New Year's Eve, Dave and I decided to do dinner at The Roof Restaurant at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. It is located on the 10th floor and has a spectacular view of the Temple Square lights. We were able to get a window table which was really nice. Two years ago when we went, we invited our friends George and Tammy, and even though we could see out the windows, the view was not as spectacular as when you sit right next to the windows.

Each table was decorated with a man's hat and a woman's feathered tiara, a beaded necklace, 2 noisemakers, and lots of confetti.
There was a large 2010 ice sculpture
And of course Dave's favorite part of the buffet, the dessert table, with lots of food to please any one's desire.
And this year, we even managed to be awake to see the new year come in, of course we were in bed and fell asleep just a few minutes after the stroke of midnight, (like a couple of old people do). But this year, we were awake!!