Thursday, August 22, 2013

My County Fair Ribbon

For several years, (in fact a lot of years), I have toyed with the idea of entering something in the county fair.  A cross stitching, a hand made card, some baked bread...  but I just never thought that my work was quite "up to par" with everyone else's.  Every year we would go to the fair and Dave would say, "your work is just as good, or better - you should enter".  So this year I took the plunge.  I filled out the paperwork and entered a cross stitching that I did.  Actually it was a piece that I did for my friend Valerie Nichols before she died.  Valerie had requested that I stitch this hanging for her house, and she hand picked each angel from 2 different books, along with the placement of each angel, and the bible verse.  After Valerie passed away, her daughter, (Lera), asked if I would like to have the hanging back.  I was so grateful to receive it back and it has hung by the front entrance of our house.   I was so surprised when I discovered that the hanging was 2nd place at the county fair.  This has certainly given my confidence a step up a notch. I told Dave I only won because there weren't that many entries, but he said there were probably a thousand cross stitching entries and I should be very proud. Now I need to do a new hanging for next year...    I am very grateful for Valerie giving me the chance to make this hanging, it was done out of my love for her and I know she really enjoyed it when it hung in her home and every time I look at it, I am reminded of her, (this was her favorite bible verse).

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares - Hebrews 13:2