Last Thursday, (May 27th), at 1:30 pm, I had to do what is probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I had to decide to put my beloved friend, companion, the keeper of all my secrets - Gloria down. Even though it has been 7 days, I still do not understand why she was taken from me after only being on this earth for 10 years, 6 months, and 8 days. She was the most gentle creature. Everyone who met her fell in love with her, and even though she made it clear that she was MY dog and there to protect me from people she didn't know - once she got to know you, if you gave her a tummy rub, you had a friend for life.
I watched her grow from a rolly little blond puff of fur, gathering her feathering and coloring, into a beautiful copper color, and slowly as she aged into a greying old lady, (just like me). I only had to teach her something twice and she remembered it forever. She would learn and do anything for a treat. She loved children and they were very attracted to her and her gentle nature.

What a lot of people do not know is that she came into this world fighting to survive. When her mother was carrying the litter, she swallowed a knee high stocking, and while under going surgery went into labor. The mother and all the litter were lost - with the exception of 1 little female. She was given the registered name of Duchess Glory Hannah. She was hand fed every 2 hours the first couple of weeks, and she sleep with a teddy bear as a substitute mother. Her owners decided by 3 months that she was just "too much" puppy for them. Everyone who took her home for one night, could not keep up with her - "too much" puppy. I was living alone, and one March morning as I was getting ready for work, the thought popped into my head, "I think I'm ready for a dog". That very day, a co-worker approached me a asked, "would you like a Golden Retriever Puppy? Free, if you don't take it, they are going to put her down". I said, well, let me see her, and then I'll decide. That evening I went over to visit, and as soon as I walked into their house, she pee'ed all over their hardwood floor, she was so excited!! I played with her for a few minutes and asked questions about the puppy, then asked if I could go out back and be alone with her for a couple of minutes to see how we interacted together.
We went outside, I sat down on the step, and Glory walked over, picked up her stuffed teddy bear brought it over and placed it in my lap and smiled up at me. I was instantly hooked. I knew that she was to be MY DOG. I scooped her up, went inside with her in my arms, and said "how much?" They said just put her in your car. So, Glory, her teddy bear and I drove home that evening and it's been a match ever since. I always made sure she never wanted for food, water, bedding, medical care and most of all love. When the vet said she needed a playmate, I got her a cat and a dog. I never struck her, the worst I ever said was "Oh Gloria". You see, I always thought Glory did not sound like it should be her name and immediately changed it to Gloria, and she liked it much better. My home became her home immediately. And she adapted so easily to living with me.

Now today, the little puppy that left footprints all over my heart, is gone. I don't understand how Heavenly Father could ignore my prayers and take my most prized earthly possession. But he must have someone in heaven who needs her right now more that I need her here on earth. So, each day, I cry a little less, but still miss her deeply. While a part of me never wants to have another dog again, another part of me wants to run out and throw my arms around a puppy and breath in the sweet smell of puppy fur and puppy breath. Part of me still wants to laugh at puppy antics, but part of me feels like I would be betraying my dog. My emotions are still very tender and I find at times I need to quietly steal away from others to let go of a few tears and then gather myself up and go on with my daily routine. I know it will get better, so my friends please bear with me if I tear up when you offer your condolences. I know you mean well and I am grateful for them. I just miss my dog, Gloria.