I know, I know - your sitting there thinking "what the heck does Oprah and Barb's dog have in common?". Well, let me explain.
When Oprah was born, her mother wanted to name her "Orpah", from the book of Ruth. However when her birth certificate was made out, it was misspelled as "Oprah". She has lived with it for 50 years and has done quite well for herself.
Well, for years, and years, (9 to be exact), - I have spelled my dog's name as Roudy, (pronounced Rowdy). Imagine my surprise this week when I found her puppy papers and her name is really spelled "ROWDY"... No wonder she has problems with obeying rules. Her own mom doesn't even know how to spell her name.
So - my friends, you decide. Do I leave the spelling as Roudy, or start using the correct spelling, that's on her puppy papers. After 9 years, I am finally starting to get some of my act together.
Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.