My Aunt Judy lives in the geographic center of West Virginia in the tiny town of Sutton. She will turn 64 on January 5th, and has never been away more than 100 miles from home. She has never flown, has never been on a cruise, has never been to Utah and has never had a real vacation. In October, Dave and I talked and decided to forgo any large Christmas gifts for anyone and treat Aunt Judy to a trip of a lifetime. We called her and offered her a one week cruise and one week vacation at our home - all expenses paid by us. She was so touched. Judy takes care of my 87 year old Aunt Mae, and Judy said that as long as nothing happened to Aunt Mae - YES, she would love to come visit us and go on a cruise - provided she did not have to fly alone.

So, on Friday, December 3rd, Dave flew to WV and on Saturday, he and Judy flew back to Salt Lake, (with a few minor weather delays - they arrived on Sunday night, but that's a whole 'nother story). On Monday morning we got up drove to SL airport, flew to San Diego, boarded the Carnival ship "Carnival Spirit", and set sail for Cabo San Lucas. A 5 day cruise to warm sunny Mexico. Judy was in awe, to say the least, of the size of San Diego, the ship, the amount of food served, the friendliness of the people, etc. She had heard all kinds of stories about cruises being nothing but drunken parties - so she was quite surprised at how pleasant it was to cruise and how nice the people and staff were.

When we arrived in Cabo, she fell in love with the little town. We took her to the resort that Dave and I stay at every year. She walked along the Pacific ocean beach, (picking up seashells - a first for her). She sat beside the pool soaking up the warm Mexican sun, (another first). When the resort staff saw Dave and I, and they came over, (they are very familiar with me, (I've been going there for 14 years), gave me a big hug and asked if we were staying there for the week. Sadly I said no, we were on the ship and just visiting for the day. I introduced them to Aunt Judy, they gave her a hug, had photos taken with her and made her feel so very welcome. We then walked down to the pier and had lunch at the local vendor. A BIG FIRST for Judy. She was so surprised at how safe it was to eat and drink in Mexico - once again being told stories about Mexico that were untrue. She bought gifts to take home, then we went back to the ship. She wasn't ready to leave Cabo. And she wants to return. Cabo has that effect on many.

On the return trip home, Judy was called up on the Bingo stage by the entertainment director to "check his balls". She hadn't paid attention to what he asked and when she wnet up on stage and he again ask, "are you ready to check my balls", she said "you want me to do WHAT ?". Of course the audience laughed, and they all remembered "Judy from West Virginia". For the next 2 days, many people came up to her and said, "are you Judy from West Virginia?" I remember you from Bingo. She just loved that attention. She thought she was a real celebrity.

The real highlight of the Bingo was getting her "Ship On A Stick", (from Pip), the Entertainment Director. She was so happy to get that genuine piece of Ship. When I asked Judy what was her favorite part of the cruise, she said that there was just so much that she can't name one thing. But - I made her keep a daily journal during her whole trip. I knew that she wouldn't be able to remember every detail when she got home, even with all the photos. And she said that writing in the journal was a big help. Even when she was writing in the journal, she would have to ask us about certain details, since her mind was swimming with so much stuff that she had experience. On Friday, (Dec 10th), we returned back home - ready for a much needed rest. And, of course Dave and I had to return to work Monday morning.
Stay tuned for details about Judy's 2nd week at our house. We kept this little lady on the run.