I really like their engagement photo
My little Trevor, all grown up - but he found a few moments for a quick photo with grandma before the ceremony.

The happy couple after the ceremony. Dave and I know that if they have even 1/2 of the happiness and love that we have - then they will truly have the most joyous wedded bliss. We so love them, and they are in truly in love - as you can see.
As a wedding gift, Trevor's maternal grandmother, gave them the reception. The wedding cake was gorgous, (she did a GREAT job). And the food was very tasty. It was so nice to actually go to a reception that served real food and not a scoop of ice cream in a glass of Sprite and a small nut cup. Great Job!!

And of course the most beautiful girl at the whole ceremony !! Our little great grand-daughter Autumn. She joined our family in October 2011, and she has most certainly been the highlight of our family. Everyday we get to see the world in a new light through her.
And of course what would my life be without my little Ian, always hamming up the photo. At least there were no "bunny ears" this time. I do love this kid, and no matter how old he gets he will always be the clown of the party. He loves his new sister, Audra.
It was a most enjoyable afternoon and the turnout was very good. They are have many, many people wishing them well on their new journey. I can't wait to the see professional photograhers shots.