Saturday, September 6, 2014

2 Bread Entries in State Fair - 2 ribbons

This year I decided to try my hand on entering bread in our 2014 state fair.  I was very nervous going up against not only ladies from all over the state, but also ladies who have been baking bread for years, (some for over 50 years !!).   But I decided to take a chance.  I entered a "Basic White Yeast Bread" and of course my "Chocolate Zucchini Bread".

 Surprise, of Surprises !!  My white bread took 2nd place in the state fair competition !!  It was quite a shock to say the least.  I knew that my bread was good, but 2nd place?  I was so worried.  The requirements for size, taste, color, etc. are so strict.  The morning I bake it, I measured it twice to make sure I was well within the size guidelines, (I didn't want to have to remake another loaf).  And you never know what the judges will find when they cut the loaf in half to inspect the inside, (what if there's a big pocket of air bubbles?).  But I did survive on my first try.
My Chocolate Zucchini Bread came in 3rd.  This is my family's FAVORITE.  I developed and have been making this for over 30 years.  I make this for Dave to give as Christmas gifts at work.  During the summer, I grate and freeze the zucchini, so I can make the bread during the winter.  My grandson, (Ian), loves this bread as much as Dave.

As I looked at the other entries, I think I only took 3rd place because my loaf size was too large!!  Anyways, for a first time entry - 3rd place, not too bad.

The recipe for this is on my food blog:  Check it out, I'm sure this bread will become one of your family favorites also.  And sign up to follow my blog.  I try to post a new recipe each week.