Saturday afternoon, I received a call from my aunt informing me that my youngest sister, (Lorena Elizabeth), had died. She was only 53 years old. The 5th child of 7 and the youngest girl in the family, (she was born on May 20th, and named after our great-aunt). Out of all 7 of us siblings, she and I looked the most alike. Most people who saw her would say that she was my reincarnation, just a few years younger. She found out early that she didn't like the formal education system, and dropped out of school when she was 16. So she had a pretty hard life. She also found out at a very young age that she had a inherited the family gene for alcoholism and also took up smoking in her very early teens. She loved her beer! These 2 things did not help make her early life very easy. But in the last few years she was doing good conquering the demons. Some thought she was a hard person, and had a foul mouth, (from the years of bar hangouts). But in spite of her faults, I saw her good side. She was truthful, (I never found any story she told to be a lie), she didn't steal, (she would ask you if she could have something), Although many of my family members were quick to blame her when things came up missing, she would call me and tell me how they found out that someone else took the item and no one ever apologized to her. I know that helped to harden her a little more. Even though there was almost 7 years age difference, she was the sister I was closest to. We never lost touch, always talked every couple of months. I always thought of her as the "family newsletter". She kept everyone informed of what needed to be told about the goings on in the family. And she was quick to tell me many times that I needed to come home for a visit before it was too late, (now it's too late). We always ended our conversations with "I love you and miss you". And we both really did mean it. Sometimes I would get frustrated when the phone would ring at 1 AM, and it would be Lorena, (drunk, calling to see how I was doing). But I always took her call and spent however much time she wanted to talk, talking about whatever she wanted to talk about. I am grateful that I spent that time with her, I got to know my little sister so well. I got to see things through her eyes. She had 2 children, (a girl, Lisa and a boy, Steven). She was a grandmother to 2. I remember how she laughed over the phone at being a grandma and finally catching up with me. She was divorced for the last 15 years, and about 5 years ago moved into my mom and dad's house to help out. She was there to help my dad when my mom passed away, and for the last 2 1/12 years was taking care of everything in the house for my dad, (all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.). She once remarked, "she felt more like his unpaid maid than his daughter". On Friday evening she went to bed, (just fine), and passed way in her sleep, (the same way my mom did). On Saturday, my Dad felt like she was sleeping in too long, so at noon he went to wake her and found her cold.
They say that death will strike you three times in a row. Last month I lost an aunt who was like my mom, and this month I lost the sister I am closest to. My heart can not take another lost right now, even though I know they are both in a better place, (and I rejoice in that thought).
I love you sis, and I miss you. Take care, say hi to mom.
Pumpkin Muffins
5 years ago