Thursday, February 6, 2020

January 2020

January was a rather calm and quiet month.  Our temperatures were in the 40's for most of the month, with a few light snow flurries, (only totaling to an inch for the whole month).  I look out the kitchen window towards my garden area, and I am already starting to get the itch to plant.  It keep waiting for Spring to come and warmer times.  Dave has been having trouble swallowing, he tries to eat, and starts choking, like he has a blockage in his throat.  He went to the doctor the middle of January and a barium xray was done.  They found some abnormalities, so next month he's scheduled to see a gastrendrologist.  I'm a little worried, but hoping for the best.  We did get to one Broadway Across America play this month, (Fiddler On The Roof).  This is Dave's favorite, and he really enjoyed it.
For the last 5 or 6 years, I have been wanting and sort of planning on getting an additional set of cabinets installed in the kitchen.  I need the additional storage, and counter top space.  At the end of this month, I was finally able to get the accomplished.  Dave called the guy who finished off our basement 9 years ago, and after picking out the cabinet and top, (we managed to get as close to the original as possible), it was finally installed in just a couple of days.  I am really happy with the extra space.  And it makes a big difference in the kitchen.  Now I can bake and not feel so cramped.  I really love it.  My next wish list project is to add a pergolo over the deck, to help cut down on the searing hot summer sun.  Well, our weather forecast is calling for much more snow and colder weather next month - brrr.  Trevor, Audra, and Autumn are still living with us, but they are now starting to look at apartments.  They really like this area, and want to stay close by, so Autumn can stay in the same school.  I am really going to my little Autumn.  She has been a real ray of sunshine in our home.  Here's to staying warm next month, and hoping the kids find a place they like real soon.