Tuesday, March 10, 2020

February 2020

February started out with a LOT of snow.  The first Monday, we had 12 inches of snow at our house.  Most of the schools, goverment buldings, and a lot of businesses were closed for the day.  Over 150 accidents on the freeway were reported before 10 AM.  It was a cold wintery day.  But by the next week it warmed up and was all forgotten.  We got tickets to go see Jeanne Robertson, (a very funny, southern humor comedian).  We went with Rusty and Robin Scheerer.  Dinner before the show, and a good time with lots of laughs.  We celebrated Valentine's Day quietly with dinner at a local restaurant, and Dave sent me 2 dozen roses.
On the 18th, Dave saw the doctor for his throat, it turns out that the muscles the constrict and relax as you swallow were not working properly, (it's called dysphagia).  They said they would have to do surgery, (they would put a scope down his throat to his esophagus, then insert a balloon.  Blow up the balloon and deflat it a couple of times and it would get the muscles back in working order).  Two days later he went in as an outpatient.  While the surgeon was in with the scope, he noticed that Dave had acid reflux and an extremely bad ulcer.  Dave said he didn't feel any acid or problems.  The surgeon said, "Those are the patients that have the worse problems and need the most help".  They put him on medication for the acid reflux and ulcers.  So far, it's been a couple weeks, and he's doing just fine.
On the  24th, Dave got a call from his nephew, (Max), telling him that Bruce, (Dave's brother), was in the hospital in Vegas.  He fell at home, and it was a couple of days before anyone found him, he was very dehydrated.  At first it was diganosted as a stroke.  We drove to Vegas on Thursday, by that time, they had ruled out a stroke and done a spinal tap, and found out he had viral meningitis.  They put Bruce on strong viral medications.  He had a physical therapist, a speech therapist, an infectist disease doctor, a medical doctor, and a case worker.  When we got there, Bruce could barely speak, (it was very slurred), and he couldn't even feed himself.  Dave had to feed him.  He couldn't get out of bed, or sit up on his on.  Dave was the only person he knew.  By the time we left on Saturday afternoon, he was finally able to talk, and they were able to get him up in a chair for a few hours.  They said he would be in the hospital for at least another week, and then go to a rehab facility, (to learn how to walk, and etc.).
While we were there, Dave developed a bad cough and mild fever.  We would have stayed longer, but I told Dave he needed to get home and see our insta care doctor, (I suspected he had broncitis again).  It turned out he had influenza B.  Even though we both had the flu shot last October, it didn't protect against the B bug.  So, Dave was back on medication and order to stay home from work for a couple of days.  Luckily, I kept my distance, and washed my hands often for the whole week that he was sick, and so far, I haven't gotten it, (fingers crossed).  It's been quit a month. but we've survived.  We're ready for spring and warm weather.