August was an extremely HOT and DRY month. In fact, it was reported as the hottest August ever for the Salt Lake area. We still did not see any rain until the end of the month, and it was just 1/2 of an inch spread out over the entire day. But, we were grateful for the little amount we got. The restaurants starting opening up, (at half capacity, and with social distancing in place). Dave and I are still practicing "shelter at home" safety order. We only go out to the grocery store every 2 or 3 weeks for essentials. We have been living off of the stock from our pantry, the freezer, and now the garden, (which has been producing abundantly this year). It has been a nice not to have to worry about making trips down to Vegas to check on Bruces' house. Selling it last month was such a relief. The new owner has been busy doing renevations, and sending us photos. It's looking great. We have finally settled up all of Bruce's debts, and can put behind us that part of our lives.
Dave and I had one final wish list item for the house, and it was to install a pergola over the deck. We have been saving for a couple of years, and just by luck we found a company that could do the kind of work we wanted. So the first part of August, we were able to have it installed. It has been a blessing. Before, we couldn't use the deck during the summer, (it was just too hot). You couldn't walk outside without shoes. Now it's so nice and cool. We can enjoy our deck all day long, and the house was instantly cooler also, once the pergola was installed. It cut down on the sun blaring in through the windows. I used to have to keep the blinds closed from noon to sunset, or the house would be too warm. It was definately worth the money.This year I again planted sunflowers in the backyard. But, rather than planting them along the fence, I planted them next to the house just outside Dave's office window. They have grown to 7 feet tall, and the flower heads are the size of dinner plates. This fall, we will have plenty of sunflower seeds to roast, and to save for future plantings, (the seeds I used were from sunflowers I planted a couple years ago). Dave enjoys looking out his window and seeing the sunflowers.We must have a beehive close by. I have been seeing bees in my flowers and the garden all summer. Which or course would explain the great results I've had with the fruit trees, the garden, and the flowers. I love to stand on the deck next to the sage brush I have planted and just listen to them buzzing in the bush as they hurry about. And when I walk up to my sunflowers, they are always busy walking across and flying around. They are such marvelous creatures.
Our apples are almost ready to change color, if I can get to them before the birds. The tree is loaded this year, and the apples are very large, (I think it's the work of the bees). We should be able to pick apples next month. I'll share some with Audra and Trevor, a few of the neighbors and friends. Then I'll make some apple pie filling, apple sauce, and put up some sliced apples for this winter. I'll save some apples in the downstairs frig for eating this winter.
The carrots and butternet square are also doing very well. At the end of the month, I counted 12 very large butternut squaash, and more little ones coming on. I'll give Audra a couple and share some with friends and neighbors. Then I'll store some for us for the winter.
This is a representative of what I pick from my garden every coupld of days. Some green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, summer squash, and sometimes I'll dig up a couple of onions and a couple of potatoes. Dave had gotten fond of roasted vegetables for our dinner.I harvested 1 of our pumpkins, and I noticed a second on is almost ready. The third one will probably be ready the end of September.
I've pressure canned some green beans, and put a couple quart bags in the freeze, and shared a couple bags with Audra and Trevor. Everytime they come over, I try to send some fresh garden produce home with them.
Dave received a phone call from his 92 years old cousin the last part of August. They talked for over an hour. They caught up on happenings on both sides of the families. Dave and Arthur have always remained closed over the years, and it meant alot to Dave to have Arthur call him. Arthur was an onocologist for many years, and a very renowned and trusted member of the medical establishment. A few years back when Dave was having trouble with his foot, it was Arthur that Dave turned to for advice and council. Even at his advanced age, Arthur's mind is so sharp. He is quite a gem.
We are hoping that our friends and family are staying healthy and practicing good social distancing practices. Dave just found out that he will be working from home for the rest of 2020. We feel that this have become the new "normal" way of life. We are wearing our masks, using sanitizers, and washing our hands more often. Doing all we can to stay healthy for our age. Now that summer is getting ready to wind down, we're getting ready to get our flu shot, and in about 6 weeks, we will start to put the exterior part of our house to bed for the winter. Stay safe, and stay healthy, everyone.