October meant that our garden just kept producing. We now were going out every other day and bringing in more and more items. The cooler temps were great for the garden. Finally during the 3rd week of October, I got the feeling that we needed to clear the garden of everthing that we could, (with the exception of the carrots). Even though no frost was predicted during the rest of the month, I still felt it was time to clear out the garden produce, (just to be safe). Dave and I spent the whole afternoon on a Wednesday picking all the items that were left in the garden, and getting the garlic for next year planted and covered over. We placed everything, (including the green tomatoes), in the garage, and then I could get as much as possible canned and into the freezer. It was a good thing we did, becauce that Saturday, an unexpected killing frost hit. Dave said - Good foresight on your part.

When people see our garden, and say "I wish or I dream of someday having a garden like yours". I refer back to his photo. I have even sent on facebook in response to a couple of people who have mentioned that they wish they had time to gave a garden. This is so true...
On the 28th of October, Dave and I left for a cruise along the NE shores along New England and Canada. Dave has always wanted to see the fall colors. We were really a week to late, but there was still some color. Our trip left New York, (NY), with stops in Newport, (RI), Boston, (MA), Barbor, (ME), Saint John Canada, Halifax Canada, and back to NY, (NY). at total of 7 days and 7 nights.
When we got into our room, I opened the curtains to the balcony, and this was the wonderful view we had of the Statue of Liberty. It was a wonderful sight.
At our first stop in Newport, we stayed on the ship, and treated ourselfs to a couples massage. It was wonderful.
The second stop was in Boston. We took an historic "Duck tour" of the area. There was so much to take in and learn. We would like to go back and visit the area again and spend more time visiting and walking around the town. So much history - everyone should visit Boston at least once, and take a guided tour.
Next we stopped at Bar Harbor, where we visited Acadia National Park. Dave and I visited this park in the Spring several years ago, and so it was nice to go back and see it in the fall. If you look very close, you will see a house in this photo. This house belongs to the famous producer, Dick Wolf, (actually it now belongs to his ex-wife, she got it in the divorce). Dave and I watch a lot of this shows, (the Law and Order series, The FIB series, The Chicago Fire, Med, and PD series. The man reads a newspaper and see a show in the reporter's story, and it becomes a hit.
While in Bar Harbor, we made a stop for lunch to get one of Dave's favor meals.
Yup, you guessed it. A lobster lunch with all the fixings. It was so good and so fresh.
After, we walked around town, did a little shopping and I got to see the flower beds around town. I do enjoy seeing how people accent their homes.
On our next stop, Saint John, we had a guided toured around the area, and then got a chance to stop and do a little shopping at one of the indoor local vendor marketplaces. We picked up some maple syrup, a few gifts, and looked at all the booths. It was interesting that even though the area was under British rule, everyone speaks French and all the street signs are in French.

Then our final destination was Halifx. We has a guided tour of the coastal area. And stop for lunch as a little cafe by the historic lighthouse. A few people on the cruise ship told us that the clam chowder was the best they ever ate. Dave and I weren't too impressed by it, nor their lobster roll.
We returned home on November 5th, and spent the weekend resting and getting ready for the holiday rush at Honey Baked Ham.
Once home, I got a chance to dig up my carrots. Since they had a couple of frost to give them a nice sweet taste, I wanted to get them out of the ground before it froze to hard. I have several that were quite large, but overall they were nice sized and the taste was excellent.
I had an appointment with a surger for my torn rotor cuff. He reviewed my MRI, and saw 3 tears. He said the good thing was that the tears did not completely sever the muscle. He gave me a cortisone shot and referred me to a physical therapist. He said about 6 weeks and I should be major improvement.
The Sunday before Thanksgiving, (the 20th of November), Dave and I were asked to go down to the Orem Honey Baked store to work. Everything was going well, until 10 mintues before closing. I was at the front of the store at a register. I didn't see one of the young girls mopping. She didn't properly clean up the wet floor, nor put up a wet floor a-frame sign. I turned to walk to the back of the store, and the next thing I knew the General Manger was kneeing down on my right side saying, "Barb, are you ok?" I don't know what happened, I still don't remember the fall, or even where exactly I fell. I am not really sure if I blacked out for a couple of seconds. Dave heard the GM, and came running from the back of the store to the front and knelt down on my left and said, "Barb, I'm here, can you hear me?". I finally could get my breath, and could say, "Give me a minute". I was laying in a very large puddle of water on the tile floor, and that's all I knew. After a few more seconds, I finally said, "Dave, help me up". Dave and the GM helped me up and into a chair. The GM wanted to get me to the doctor, but I was so embarrassed. I just kept saying, "Dave, take me home". Dave took my home. I have a killer headache, I hurt bad, and I could hardly walk. Turned out the HR Benefits Mgr. said I needed to go get checked out for worker's comp. The W/C doctor sent me to the ER for a MRI to check for a brain bleed. I was diagnosed with a concussion, and sever contusions on my knees, back, front shoulders. I was out of work for W/C physical therapy and doctor visits the rest of the year. I had the headaches for over a month.
The last week of November, I had my annual checkup with my primary care doctor. He noticed that I had not yet had a bone density scan. He ordered one, and it turned our I have osteoprosis in my left hip and the right hip is starting to lose bone density also. I was very lucky that I didn't break a hip when I fell. I am now on medical that I take once a week to help rebuild some bone loss. I feel like, I am suddenly falling apart!!
Dave and I spent Thanksgiving, just resting and didn't do much. He is still working at Honey Baked Ham, while I am at home recoving from my fall. We just did a little dinner, with only a few items. It was nice. Who knows, maybe next year we will go out to a nice restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner.
Here's hoping our friends have a nice holiday season and stay healthy and warm.