Sat, Oct 10th - We boarded the ship around noon. We had a really nice stateroom on the 12th deck with a large balcony on the port side of the ship. Our cabin stewart, Bethoven, was very attentive to setting up our needs. A quick lunch at the buffet - then off for a walk around the ship to explore what's available and what on board activities we wanted to sign up for. (Temperature is 65 degrees, a little chilly).
We left port 5:14 pm, headed South to Mexico, and week of relaxation, and warm breezes. Oh my gosh - we've got dinner in 45 minutes, gotta hurry and get ready. We met 3 other couples at our table, they would be dining with us this week, (if we all showed up for the early seating). One couple was from Texas, one couple was from California, and 2 elderly ladies traveling together. Ruth is from Boston, (a psychiatrist),who now writes children's books, (very well published), and Linda is from Florida, (a retired publisher), who co-writes with Ruth. Dave and I clicked immediately with Ruth and Linda, and the four of us had a ball - so many laughs and stories were shared around the dinner table by everyone who attended. The couple from California usually ate dinner at one of the other 7 restaurants and at later dining times, but the the six of us had too much fun to miss our regular dinner seating!! Later, Dave and I watched a great show that evening in the theatre, went to a game show, then walked around the deck. So tired from all the activity, need to get some rest.
Sun, Oct 12th - A whole day at sea, nothing to do but relax and enjoy the day as we cruise along the Baja. That's what I thought !! Tonight was formal night and that meant formals. Dave booked an appointment for me at the spa to have my hair done up for photos. So - no swimming and just laying around one of the 7 pools for me. And I so had my eye on the "adults only" pool up on the 15th deck. So - I joined a card making class, (one of my hobbies), and whipped off a couple of birthday cards for my stash. Can never have to many cards on hand. There are so many classes to take on this ship, I wish I hadn't signed up for excursions, (just joking). Then it was time for my spa appointment. While I was in the spa, Dave lounged by the pool with his headphones, taking naps and just enjoying life. After I was done, we grabbed a light lunch, then off to afternoon bingo. But we walked away non winners. Oh my gosh, it's already time to dress, and as return cruise travelers, we received an invitation to the Captain's Champagne Waterfall Party. And, I have a special invite to pour a glass of champagne into the waterfall tonight. So, off to a fabulous dinner with everyone dressed up, then photos, then the Captain's Party and more photos. Then a comedy show with Steve Moris, (a very funny comic). It's late, and we are way too tired for any of the 5 different dance parties on board, so we crash for the night. What a long day - I thought we were going to relax !

Mon. Oct 12th - Another day at sea and the temperatures are rising it's now 89 degrees. And we are finally going to just relax, swim, read, play bingo, catch a couple of shows tonight after dinner. Dave and I have a couples massage at the spa - awww HEAVEN. My kind of day at sea.
Tue. Oct 13th - We awoke to find that our ship had docked in Puerto Vallarta. The air was very hot and humid. Tropical storm Patricia had passed through the day before, and even though it is only 84 degrees the humidity is 95%. We eat a quick breakfast, then down to the dock to meet up with our tour guide for a 1/2 day visit around the city. I am very surprised at how crowded and very metropolitan it is. I bought Dave a hat from one of the local vendors, to help shield him from the hot sun. Finally back to the dock where we stop inside a small bar for some air conditioning and a couple of cokes and some nachos. One of the locals with a cheap digital and a quick printer takes our photo, before we can say "no gracious", and we laugh and buy the poor quality photo anyway.
NO - this is not the hat I bought Dave

We decide that the humidity is just too much to bear, so back on ship to get a quick lunch, change into our swim suits and head out to the covered air conditioned pool on deck 14. The pool is nearly deserted, just a few adults around. After a quick dip, we grab our deck chairs to read, but I don't remember anything past the 3rd page. I awoke to find that ship was leaving dock and we were sailing off to Mazatlan. Oh well, it's time to shower and dress for dinner - tonight is tropical casual dress, and we can't wait to hear every one's stories about their excursions ashore and see what wonderful dishes the chef has prepared. Then we catch a magician show, Joel Ward, (he's ok, more into the younger crowd). A song and dance show and a walk around the ship exploring the art work for sale. Dave spots a Beatles collector's photo with their signatures. I decide, I'm going to get him this for his anniversary gift. He will love it!
Wed. Oct 14th - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. We wake up to find that we are almost into Mazatlan. The site if VERY different from any other Mexican city. It has lots of tall resort buildings along the shore, (almost like Hawaii). Once again, even though the temp is only 85 degrees, the humidity is 80%, leftovers from tropical store Patricia. It's a little bearable, but not much. A quick breakfast, then down to the pier to meet up with out tour guide. We have a 1/2 day tour of the city. The cathedral is beautiful, the folklore dancing is spectacular, we do a little shopping, then back to the air conditioned comfort of our ship and the pools. My wonderful husband presents me with a gift of opal earrings and matching necklace. At dinner we receive a small anniversary cake and the waiters all sing to us. Dave has a couple of great cards for me and I have one for him. Then we wander over to the art auction. I win the Beatles collection for Dave at the auction, and he is all smiles. We then head over to see a comedy show, Darrell Joyce, (a very, very funny man). We catch a music production in the theatre, then hit the nightclub to catch the Motown favorites show. Another long day.
Thurs. Oct 15th - AHHH, our beloved Cabo San Lucas. "Lucy, we're home"... We awake to find that we are cruising along the Cabo shoreline, a very familiar sight to me, and becoming familiar to Dave. The temp is 85 degrees, but the humidity is still very high from the tropical storm a couple days ago. We decided not to waste our money on excursions, since we know Cabo, we'll just walk around town to look for some of our local friends. But the hot weather and the early morning hours have kept them at home. We stop at Cabo Wabo to see if we can find a new shirt for Dave, but nothing looks appealing, so we have a couple of cokes and some nachos. We wander over to Diamonds International to pick up the free charm for my bracelet, and I wander over to see if the diamond that we looked at in May was still in the display case. I knew my diamond as soon as I saw it - they still had it on display. Long story short, Dave dickered and got a good deal, and I got an upgrade in my diamond ring. He is most definitely the MOST WONDERFUL HUSBAND EVER !! We decided that since we couldn't locate our friends, we would go back on ship and get some lunch and take a nap, (poolside of course). We left Cabo port early at 5pm. Bye, Bye Cabo until March when we return with our friends David and Janice Kram.

Tonight is formal dress night again. And a wonderful dinner of lobsters, steak, shrimp, just too much food. The chef really went all out. Then we decided to catch the Marriage game show, (it's played like the newlywed game show). We laughed so hard. Over to the casino for the Blackjack Tournament and some slot fun. And I walked away with some winnings $8.48. Hey, it's more than Dave, and better than losing!!
Fri. Oct 16th - Another Day at Sea as we head North toward Los Angeles. We decide to hit the pool again for a couple of hours, (I finally get a couple more chapters read in my book). Then off to bingo, still no winnings. Back to the room to pack our bags and get them ready for the cabin stewart. Dinner was home cooked favorites. I had the turkey w/trimmings, (yummy), Dave had scallops, and of course the usual dance of the waiters with the flaming Baked Alaska deserts for everyone. After dinner we caught the 80's music trivial show and the couple of small shows about the ship. Then back to our room for one final packing and to set our bags out for the stewart. Another long day.

Sat. Oct 17th - We are among the ones with an early de-embarkment (8:10 am). So we have to get up early and grab a quick breakfast and be down to the designated lounge. This cruise was a sold out cruise, and yet the efficiency at which they were able to handle the all the passengers during the 2,617 miles is amazing. The staff was wonderful and the ship was beautiful. But like the old saying goes "Now matter where I roam, North, South, East or West, Home is still the best." We arrived home at 7:30 pm, what a wonderful sight. If felt so good to pull into our garage and climb into our own bed and rest our heads on our own pillows.
NOW - when's our next cruise ??