Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lobsters & Clams for Valentine's Dinner

For Dave's Valentine's Day gift this year, I went on-line to Catch A Piece of and ordered "A Valentine's Dinner for Two". It was a fresh catch of 2 live 2lb. lobsters, 1 lb. of fresh clams, a box of chocolates, 2 lobster bibs, 2 lobster crackers and picks, and a 2009 Catch of Piece of Maine calendar. The little critters were caught on Tuesday, (2/10/09), packed in dry ice and shipped on Wednesday by FedEx overnight to Dave's work address. He was surprised and delighted to get his favorite food for a Valentine gift early Thursday afternoon. Dave was all smiles when he came that home with the box. And when he opened it up and saw the size of the two little guys, he smiled even more and licked his lips and grabbed the pots and pans and started the water boiling. But first I had to take a couple of shots with everything spread out to show you what all we got.
Well Dave got busy in the kitchen, cooking.
When everything was ready, we sat down to enjoy our meal. Dave said it was the best Valentine's Day gift he was ever given. And it must have been good, because the only thing left was the skeleton. So, even though we had our Valentine dinner two days early, it was very good and the guys at Dave's job are all wishing that their wives would have thought of doing something like that for them. Dave just smiles and says "yea"...

Friday, February 6, 2009


I found this lovely old Valentine card, and I was immediately reminded of a saying that went perfect with it:

Every single one of us can do things that no one else can do -- can love things that no one else can love. We are like violins. We can be used for doorstops, or we can make music. You know what to do. ~Barbara Sher

And since Valentine's Day is next Saturday; Let's all remember to make beautiful music. Tell someone that you love them - whether it be your significant other, a child, a friend, or a close co-worker. During these trying times we need to be a little kinder to each other. HAPPY EARLY VALENTINES DAY -

Thursday, February 5, 2009

hmmmm.... what's wrong with this ???

So - I was sitting at my desk this morning working diligently, and around 11:30 am, I pushed my chair back from my desk and looked down at my feet at what to my amazement did I see but this.... Now that you've finished laughing and picked yourself up off the floor, (which is pretty much what Dave did after I called him to tell him). I must tell you - I have another pair of shoes at home, just like this. !!. OK, here's what happened, I was in a hurry to get a load of clothes into the washing machine before I left for work and I just hurried and slipped my feet into my work shoes, ran down to the basement and threw a load of laundry in the machine, ran back up to the kitchen to feed the dogs, grabbed my coat and purse and jumped into the car and drove to work. But you know what? The shoes are actually quite comfortable, the only problem, I can't go anywhere today. I have to stay in my office, or I will be laughed at. You think I would have noticed that one was a tie shoe and one was a Velcro shoe - don't you? Thank goodness they are both black. Dave says not to worry, when I talk to people, their eyes never go any lower than my boobs anyways. I don't know whether to laugh or be mad !!! This just proves what I've been telling Dave for the last year - I NEED TO RETIRE !! Maybe if enough of you post agreeing with me, Dave will let me retire and regain my sanity.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Our Girls !!

Dave and I always joke about being DINKS, (double income, no kids). But the truth is, we actually have four, (count 'em - 4) children still living at home. And they are unfortunately are the four most spoiled girls you would ever want to meet. So I figured it was time to finally write about our "girls". First, there's Gloria. Actually, her birth certificate has her registered name is Duchess Hannah Glory. But, that too much name, we just call her Gloria. She's my little girl, but she pretends to be daddy's girl, when he has a treat. After she gets her treat, then she's done with dad and back to mom. I got Gloria when she was just 6 months old. She will be 10, on 11/19. And yes, she's really that BIG. She likes to eat, just like her mom and dad. Actually, she has hypothyroid. And even though she take meds, she still has a problem with her weight.

Then there's Rowdy Reba, and boy does she ever live up to her name. She is just "spring loaded" as Dave likes to say. She just turned 7 in January, but she's going on 1 year, mentally. I always tell people that she's my little ADD (attention deficient dog). Just a bundle of energy and then some. And she is totally devoted to Dave, unless he's not around then she's also a mama's girl.
These two have to also share the house with Callie Sue, our tempermental "princess" of the house. Now this is one animal that has her dad FULLY trained. When Dave comes home from work each evening, she starts yelling at him for her nightly treat from the top of the stairway landing. And, she doesn't stop, until he goes upstairs and retrieves the treats from the drawer and gives her an acceptable number. Then she starts to purr and curls up to be petted. At night she crawls into bed between Dave and I and gets as close to Dave as she can and stretches out to get next to his warm body. I jokingly tell Dave, "she would marry you if she could" Before Dave and I started dating, Callie wouldn't have anything to do with any of the men I dated. Dave is the only guy that she likes. Callie will be 8 yrs old in July - I got here when she was only 4 weeks old, and yes she's really that big.
Then there's the oldest and smallest of all the children, Tonie, "the tial". Tonie will be 12 years old in July. She was just a little 3 month old baby when I got her as a birthday gift. She tries so hard to talk, she can make kissy sounds and whistle, but that's all she's ever been able to learn. That the last couple of years, she really warming up to Dave. She starting to take food from him. But I'm still her mom, and the one she's bonded to. Every morning, I open the curtains, turn on soft radio music, give her fresh food and water, and talk to her and stroke her feathers. She is so loving.
So there you have it!! Poor Dave, sharing the house with 5 females - all fighting for the position of "High Princess". All of us after him on a daily basis for his attention and affection and treats. It takes a very special man to marry a woman with this many pets, to accept them into his home, and love them the way he has. And I would like to publicly say THANK YOU, DAVE. We ALL appreciate what you do for us. Everything from picking up the dog poop, buying cat litter, breaking up dog fights, buying frosty paws and vanilla ice cream to the wonderful back rubs and tummy rubs. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU - WE ALL LOVE YOU.