Thursday, February 5, 2009

hmmmm.... what's wrong with this ???

So - I was sitting at my desk this morning working diligently, and around 11:30 am, I pushed my chair back from my desk and looked down at my feet at what to my amazement did I see but this.... Now that you've finished laughing and picked yourself up off the floor, (which is pretty much what Dave did after I called him to tell him). I must tell you - I have another pair of shoes at home, just like this. !!. OK, here's what happened, I was in a hurry to get a load of clothes into the washing machine before I left for work and I just hurried and slipped my feet into my work shoes, ran down to the basement and threw a load of laundry in the machine, ran back up to the kitchen to feed the dogs, grabbed my coat and purse and jumped into the car and drove to work. But you know what? The shoes are actually quite comfortable, the only problem, I can't go anywhere today. I have to stay in my office, or I will be laughed at. You think I would have noticed that one was a tie shoe and one was a Velcro shoe - don't you? Thank goodness they are both black. Dave says not to worry, when I talk to people, their eyes never go any lower than my boobs anyways. I don't know whether to laugh or be mad !!! This just proves what I've been telling Dave for the last year - I NEED TO RETIRE !! Maybe if enough of you post agreeing with me, Dave will let me retire and regain my sanity.


  1. Number 1: You can not retire! What would I do without you!?
    Number 2: The picture is better than you telling me! I have no idea how you did that!
    Number 3: I think that it might be more fitting to take you to the nut house instead of the retirement house!
    Good luck! We will visit you on the weekends!

  2. I hope that your feet have found the correct shoes today! If not than we definately have a problem here!

  3. Debbie says her mom used to do this with her shoes! That tells you a lot! :))))
