On Friday evening, (3/6), Dave and I got a chance to visit and tour the new Draper LDS temple. It was a very uplifting experience for me, and Dave was impressed by the beauty of the Temple and the significance of the symbolism throughout the different areas. One of the first things that he noticed, (and he lingered and admired), was the baptismal font that rested on the 12 oxen. When I explained to him that the oxen represented the 12 tribes of Israel, he nodded and walked around to get a better views.

The next item that really caught his attention was the chandelier in the Celestial Room. His question to me was "how much do you think that weighs?" I replied, "A lot, and I bet it's worth more than it weighs!!".

Then we heard Temple President Donald Staheli and his wife speak in the largest of the 5 Sealing rooms, about the temple and it's importance, and especially the importance of Heavenly Father's eternal plan for all families. It was a very touching touching tour for me, and made me very grateful for the plan of salvation. Then on to Dave's favorite part of the tour "Free Cookies". :-) ...
Next, we were lucky to score tickets to the sold out performace of the Easter Bell Ringing program in the Tabernacle on Good Friday, (April 10th). This is the 2nd time that we have been lucky enough to get free tickets an LDS Bell Ringing event. The last time was for the Christmas Bell Ringing program.
How lucky we must be!!