SO - what do you get when you put one Mormon and 32 Jews in the new LDS Oquirrh Temple? Answer: A private guided tour arranged by President Packer for the Temple Kol Ami members. Since David is a member, I was able to join his congregation for a special guided tour led by the Stake President, (President Homer), and his 2 counselors, along with 2 members of the LDS public relations office.
Before the tour, I was speaking with President Homer and asked how this tour happened to come about - he said that there was an inter-faith luncheon that President Monson attended along with several Rabbis from the valley, and President Monson arranged for the rabbis to have a private guided tour of the temple. David's rabbi, (Rabbi Rosen was among the group). Rabbi Rosen also took the tour a second time along with the general public, and President Packer extended the invitation to Rabbi Rosen for her to bring her congregation to the temple for a special guided tour of the temple and they would also be allowed to ask questions about the temple and the LDS faith.
I was so honored to be among the guests, and learned so much more than I would have just walking through on our own. And the Kol Ami congregation was treated very special. As they were moved from room to room, the various other tours were stopped, and the congregation was ushered into the rooms alone, the doors were closed and they were told the symbolic meanings of each room, what each room was used for, and were also allowed to asked questions.
The most often asked question was: if there was a higher authority between the rooms, and between the different temples in our faith. Which of course between the temples there is no differences.
We learned that the marble for the baptisty was imported from China, and the chandelier in the Celestial Room is over 15 feet tall and has over 19,447 individual hand cut Austrian Swarovski Crystals and that each painting hanging in the temple was personally approved by President Monson. President Homer estimates that over 600,000 visitors will tour the temple prior to the August 1st dedication.

This was indeed a very special temple tour. Then of course on to Dave's favorite part of every tour - the tent with the cookies. We were quite surprised to look at our watches and discover that this tour took 2 hours, twice as long as normal - but so worth it I think.