Saturday, July 18, 2009

First Tomatoes of the Season

On Monday, (7/13/09), I picked the first 2 ripe tomatoes from our garden. Although they are small, they were pretty, and delicious. The others that are coming on are larger, and we should have a couple more next week. This year we decided to spend extra money on larger plants and we are reaping the benefits of fruits earlier. YUM. We have been enjoying lettuce, green onions, and broccoli for over a month and it has been wonderful. I noticed that our zucchini, green peppers, and Dave's hot peppers are also producing and should be ready to pick in a couple of weeks. When we got back from vacation, I planted green beans, (since our cucumbers all washed out from all the rains), and with all the hot weather, the beans are already sprouted and 2 inches tall. We are so blessed that Heavenly Father provides for us in such simple ways.


  1. I was going to make some type of comment about the size of your first tomatoes but then I read that you thanked Heavenly Father so I guess I shouldn't. That was a smart idea to keep my comments appropriate! :)

  2. You two are hilarious. I just like reading your comments.
    Barb, what do you do about bugs in the garden eating your plants? Any tips you want to share with a first timer.
