Thursday, April 28, 2011


Last fall, when we were putting in our landscaping, Dave built our raised garden beds.  He did an excellent job.  We have 3 beds that are 4" high and 1 bed that is 8 inches high, (for our root crops).  These beds are 4' wide and 10' long.  They will provide us with plenty  of vegetables.
 This spring, he installed a fence to keep Balsa, (our CCI puppy that we are raising), from getting into the garden and digging - one of her favorite hobbies.  He installed a nice gate with a very good locking latch.  And it's very secure, so it will hold up for years.
Here's a close up of the latch.  Our raised beds have a root drip system, and each bed has it's own valve that we can turn on or off, depending on the amount of water that the vegetables will need.  (see next 3 photos). 
 I have already planted our strawberries, cauliflower, broccoli, onions, lettuce, potatoes, carrots, and peas.  I am still looking for cabbage plants.  Now if I could just get mother nature to just stop snowing on my garden and warm up a little.
 I have my corn packets and tomatoes plants sitting on the kitchen table just waiting for the nice warm soil.  And Dave's mouth just waters when he thinks about the juicy tomatoes that he's going to enjoy later this year. My herbs are doing well in the kitchen, but they also long to be outside in the warm sunshine.
I wish you all a warm summer, and enough space to plant a few tomatoes, or whatever you enjoy eating.  There's nothing more enjoyable than working in the dirt and then reaping your rewards, and sharing with your friends the excess bounty that mother earth provides.  We trade our extra garden items with our friends Karen and Neil for their farm fresh eggs.  Good deal!!  I always tell Dave, the more we share, the more our garden produces.  Happy Gardening to everyone.  


  1. That fence looks awesome! I have lots of projects that I could use Dave for! Please send him down here for a weekend or so!

  2. Dave did a great job on your fence. Maybe I should stop by to enjoy your vegetables as you always get everything to grow. We still have to figure out how to do a drip water system.
