This evening the family (24 total) gathered together at Guadalahonky's to celebrate Trevor's 18th Birthday. It is hard to imagine that this little boy is now all grown up!! He has been through so many changes and he has become such a fine young man. I am very proud to call him my grandson. For his birthday /high school graduation present - Dave and I are going to take him to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for a week in September. We hope he's as excited about going as we are about taking him. He has never been out of the United States, and there is so much that we want to show him. It will be a blast. We are also taking his girlfriend, Audra. She is very excited about the trip. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TREVOR !!
What a great evening! I wish we could have worked out something to be able to go to Mexico! Maybe someday! Thanks for your friendship!