Once again our house feels as if a giant hole has been left where once a small little body occupied. My precious little cockatiel, (Toni), passed away in the early hours this morning. I got him when he was just barely 3 months old in October, 1999. I was his mom and protector his entire life. He loved me and I loved him. He would chirp for me, and yell for me when I left the room. He tolerated Dave, but I was his mom. He would let me pet his head, stroke his back, rub his cheeks. He tried so hard to talk to me. He would stretch his little neck, open his beak, but no words would come out. He would sit on my shoulder, my finger, and nestle down on my chest for warmth. The only thing he didn't like was when I would clip his nails and wings. Everyone who came into the house would poke their fingers at him through the cage. I would warn them that "He can bite, and he can draw blood". Some had to learn the hard way. Very few got Toni to warm up to them. You needed to be a regular visitor to our house, and be a patient person around him. Yes, our house is very quiet this morning. I have no little chirps when I walk into the livingroom. Toni is now flying free with his little wings flapping, and the warm sunshine on his face. Fly Toni, be a happy little bird for all eternity. I'll miss you.
I miss him already