Monday, March 29, 2021

February 2021

 Februrary was once again a rather warm and dry month.  We had a few days where we got just a light dusting of snow.  

Then on February 16th, we finally got some snow.  It wasn't much, but it was a start.  And for the first time in 2 years, Dave started up the snowblower, and cleared the sidewalk.  The rest of the month, we got a few more dustings.  This was finally our winter.  We are still lacking the much needed water for this summer. Hopefully, we'll have enough to water our yards and gardens.

For Valentine's Day, Dave got me a lovely arrangement of flowers.  The were huge, and really lightened up the house.  And the roses had a wonderful smell.  He never forgets a birthday or holiday.

 On the 25th, I my scheduled date arrived for my first COVID vaccine shot.  It was at the Mountain America Center in Sandy, Ut.  It was very organized and the flow pattern was excellent.

 My scheduled time was 11:45, so I masked up and arrived.  There was no wait time. My temp was taken - no fever.  I ws directed to the questionaire table.  I answered all the questions.  Given my ID card and directed to the nurse's table.

I sat down, was again asked a few questions. rolled up my sleeve.  Given my 1st shot.  It ws done so quickly, that it was over before I new the needle was in.  My ID card was stamped, and I was then dirrected to the waiting room for 15 minutes to make sure I didn't have any reactions.  While I was there, a date for my 2nd shot in 3 weeks was made.  I was then out the door.  
It was the easiest mass inocuation I probably would ever witness.  Maybe there is finally hope for beating this virus.
This month we also discovered that 3 more families directly across the street from us had the COVID virus in their families.  One family was a young couple with 4 childred, one family was a husband and wife about our age, and one family was young with young children and the grandparents also in the home.  The whole housholds were infected  - so sad.  Luckily, they all recovered, but are dealing with differet underlying symptoms.
Dave and I are still "Sheltering at home", and going out very little.  Dave will finally be eligible for his vaccine next month.
We were scheduled for a 3 week cruise the middle of this month.  But, due to the virus, the cruise industry is still not sailing out of the U.S. ports - so another vacation was cancelled.  We were given a refund on our money, and we are now looking to 2021 for a new cruise.  This is the 4th cruise cancelled, but better a canceled cruise, than catching the virus.
Our grandchild still has not found new employment, but hopefully that will change soon.
Here's hoping our frinds and family continue to stay safe and healthy this coming year.

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