Sunday, December 25, 2022

September 2022

September began the riping of our garden, and the work to canning, freezing, and using up the bounty.

Our tomatoes were riping and we had some real nice size ones.  Our friends and neighbors were surprised at how large, sweet, and juicy our tomatoes were compared to theirs.  And our small salad tomatoes were so sweet and juicy also.

I would go out to the garden every 3 days and need to harvest quite a few.  The heat and lack of rain, just seemed to bring on the harvest faster.

And it wasn't just the tomatoes.  The squashes, green beans, potatoes, and corn also were ready almost all at once.

I canned 6 pints of marinara sauce, 6 pints of pasta sauce, and 6 quarts of tomatoes.  We gave away bags of tomatoes to friends and neighbors.  I baked several loafs of zucchini bread and zucchini cakes, and shredded and bagged zucchinni for the freezer to use this winter.  We ate most of the corn, it was so good, I only managed to freeze a small portion.  I put the butternut squash, spaghetti squash, and the few potatoes we dug in the garage to keep for use this winter.

Then I noticed, just as the apples were starting to get their yellow huish glow and getting ready to turn yellow, the birds were starting to flock to the tree.  Once again, it was a race out to the tree to pick the apples before the birds ate all of them down to the core.  They were so sweet and delicious.  We gave bags to our friends and neighbors, and they loved them.  At first they would ask, are they ripe?  We would answer yes, but you can let them set a couple days and they will get more yellow.  Most just ate them immediately.  I made a couple of cobblers, and an apple pie.  I slice some apples and put them in the freezer for this winter.  This was a good harvest from our little tree.

The second week of September, our washer suddenly just stopped working, (it was about 16 years old, we had replaced it when we lived in the West Jordan house).  So, we went to Lowe's picked out a new one, and I had to do one week's laundry at the laundrymat.  Oh, how I hated that day.  I was so delighted when the new washing maching showed up.
Dave and I are doing really good.  His carpal tunnel surgery last month made a world of difference in his hands.  I've been going to a pain specialist for my left shoulder, (she diagnosed it as a torn rotator cuff).  So far, I've had an X-ray, a cat scan, and an MRI.  She said now my next step is to see a surgeon who specializes in this.  My appointment is next month, and we'll see how things go.  We are both still working at Honey Baked Ham, so are days are full and we keep busy. 


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