Now, I have to have my heart broken, because we were supposed to take him next week to see "Walking with Dinosaurs. But, because Dave's sister-in-law is turning 50 today, and our sister-in-law in Phoenix is insisting on doing a family dinner in Las Vegas for Gretchen, next weekend. Dave went ahead and book a hotel and airline tickets without looking at the calendar, (like I told him to). He purchased the tickets to "Walking with Dinosaurs" 3 months ago, and we wrote it on the calendar and promised Ian.
Now, I have to go to Vegas, to have dinner with Dave's family, and I am going to have a miserable time. We bought Gretchen a lovely $50.00 green milk glass bowl to go with her milk glass collection, and I know that Jeannie will just give us grief about not doing "over the hill" "turning 50" birthday stuff for Gretchen. I don't think you always have to make fun of people during their birthday. She made a comment about how we should send funny "Getting Old" cards to Dave's brother Rob for his birthday and not just nice cards. I would rather stay home!!! I am not at all happy about the waste of money!! And these are people that didn't even remember Dave's, (their own brother), BD, we've gotten no card, no call, no acknowledgement from any of them for our birthdays, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Year, Zilch. I usually don't complain on the forum, but lately I am so feed up with other people trying to control my life, and yet do nothing for us but take take take. Maybe it's the winter weather, maybe it's the headaches from hitting my head in the fall over Christmas - I don't know. Maybe I'm just getting old and cranky.

One of the few things that still make me smile.
One of the few things that still make me smile.
I feel the same way most days! I sometimes feel like people are just out to get what they can from me! I hate it! Maybe I am just old and grouchy too! And what the heck is a green milk bowl? Green and milk just do not go together!