Saturday, November 6, 2021

August 2021

August was as usual in the Rocky Mountains, HOT, HOT, HOT.   We had 16 days of triple-digit temps and added to that our skies were extremely smokey from all the California fires.  It made for an uncomfortable month, but as usual, we survived.

Our water restrictions were still in place, and we only watered at night and then very little to keep the lawn just green and alive.  I did do a twice-daily watering on the garden, so we wouldn't lose our plants.  It was a bumper year for our tomatoes, and the few neighbors we do have small gardens had a bumper crop of tomatoes.

Last October, I planted garlic. and the first part of August I harvested our little crop.  I dried it on the deck, then I cleaned the bulbs and braided the stems, and trimmed off the roots.  This winter we will be able to enjoy our own homegrown garlic.  It smelled so wonderful as I was working the stems and braiding it.  It is hanging in our pantry, and it gives me a little smile whenever I look at it.

It's been quite a few years since we've grown corn, so this year we planted some Salt and Pepper variety.  It was ready to harvest starting August 1st.  Every 4 or 5 days, we would harvest a dozen or so ears.  We would have 2 ears that evening for dinner, and then I would cut the kernels from the cob and freeze a couple quarts for this winter.  We were able to harvest corn until the end of September. and now we'll have plenty of corn this winter.

Our peach tree was quite a producer this year.  We gave away about 2 bushels to our neighbors, the local Senior Center, and friends.  The peaches were so sweet and juicy.  I made several cobblers, some peach bread, a pie, and froze several quarts.  I still had these 2 bushels left.  They were sitting on our deck, and in just one day's time, the high heat, and a light hot rainstorm came along and ruined them.  I was so sick when I  noticed that they had to all be destroyed.

On the 19th of August, we flew to Minneapolis to visit Jared and stayed for 5 days.  We helped celebrate his 41st birthday.  It was a low-key event.  We visited a couple of sites, went out to dinner a couple of evenings, but mostly just stayed around the house and visited.  

Dave and I are still staying at home for the most part.  We have found that it's nice to go down to the local Senior Center for lunch a few days a week.  We visit with other people our age, swap stories, and sometimes catch a free movie at the center.  It makes for a nice change of pace.  We are finding out that more of our friends have caught the Covid virus, and we've been thankful that we've gotten the vaccine early.  We have heard that a booster is soon going to be available, and we are planning of getting it when the time comes.  We home the rest of our family and friends stay healthy and well  Take care.


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