Well we finally got a chance to have a real, (relaxing), vacation this year. Not one where we were up early every morning running all over to catch all the sights, but a real vacation where we could just sleep in and take long naps in the middle of the day and be lazy bums. IT WAS WONDERFUL! We went to Cabo San Lucas, MEXICO the day after Thanksgiving for our annual week long vacation trip, (during the day the temps were in the high 80's and in the evenings it was in the low 70's). This year we did not plan anything in the way of activities, we just decided to relax. On Sunday, we took a sunset sail cruise. There were only 9 people on our boat and everyone is in a very laid back mood, and it wasn't a party boat - Very nice.

On Tuesday we took a large catamaran along with 12 other people to Saint Maria Beach and Snorkeled. Afterwards they had a B-B-Q on the boat for us. On the boatride back to Cabo, we saw two whales. It was a little early for the whales, but those with cameras got great photos.

On Thursday we wondered into town and visited the lion exhibit and had our photo taken with the baby lion and tiger. They were so adorable!! I may have to use this photo for our Christmas card!!

The rest of the time, we just swam in the heated pool that was only 20 feet from the front door of our little casa, ate good food, and relaxed. We made a few more local friends and had laughs. Now we have to work hard and get ready for our return trip to Cabo the first of May 2009, with our friends Tammy and George McGowan. We hope to get in some deep sea fishing on that trip.