Now that we are all back to work, and starting to settle back into our daily routine, I took a look one last look at the photos and wanted to share just four more. Here we are at El Squid Roe on Saturday night. The place that started all the fun.
Starting at the left side: George, Tammy, Karen, Neil, me, and Dave.
Then of course I forgot to post Neil and his "whale of a catch" when we went fishing. Sorry Neil. How could I forget you !!!

Did I mention that we had to throw this little guy back? The fish, not Neil.
And this is where we had our last dinner. We went to La Nao at Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach on Thursday night.

The food was excellent and the service was outstanding. One of the top notch resorts in Cabo. Finally, as we are leaving, one last look back at the arch. AHHH, such a beautiful sight...

Until next March - Bye, Bye Cabo...
If you love it so much, why don't you move there and leave me here! SO SAD!