The meal was first class all the way, and we split the entree, (a very large rib-eye steak), crispy broccoli, asparagus, and for dessert, I had a key lime pie and Dave had a caramel brownie al' a mode. We were so stuffed, and we brought home half of our meal, for dinner the next evening. It was a wonderful evening.
Monday, December 27, 2021
October 2021
The meal was first class all the way, and we split the entree, (a very large rib-eye steak), crispy broccoli, asparagus, and for dessert, I had a key lime pie and Dave had a caramel brownie al' a mode. We were so stuffed, and we brought home half of our meal, for dinner the next evening. It was a wonderful evening.
Thursday, December 2, 2021
September 2021
This year for Dave's birthday, I sent him a box of chocolate-covered strawberries. They are one of his favorite treats.
Saturday, November 6, 2021
August 2021
Our water restrictions were still in place, and we only watered at night and then very little to keep the lawn just green and alive. I did do a twice-daily watering on the garden, so we wouldn't lose our plants. It was a bumper year for our tomatoes, and the few neighbors we do have small gardens had a bumper crop of tomatoes.
Thursday, September 16, 2021
July 2021
July also brought Barbara some sad news on the 6th. Her brother, (David), passed away, at the age of 61. He lived in Oklahoma City and in the early hours that morning, he was found dead on a bus bench. They're not sure if he died from a heart attack or OD'ed. David was the 4th of 7 children, (the middle child. He was always getting into some kind of trouble, (but it was mostly just BS kind of trouble, not really bad). The local police department knew David well, and they delighted in hassling him for little things. David dropped out of school just a few months after starting high school and he liked, (no, strike that - he LOVED) to drink. He hung out with kids that he knew since grade school and they all would somehow find money and someone to supply them with beer. As he got older, Dave started doing drugs. The police would pick him up, hassle him about the state of his condition. Sometimes they would drive him home, sometimes they would lock him up for the night and release him the next morning, as he was sober enough to get home. David left Ohio for Oklahoma when he was about 20. The family would hear from him every couple of years. He would manage to come home about every 10 years, but he always left when the local police started hassling him again. It was sad that he died alone, on a bus bench, Hopefully he's found his peace now.
Our great-granddaughter came to spent the day and night with us. It had been so long, since we'd seen her, and she's grown so much. Dave noticed as we were walking through the mall, she's almost as tall as Barbara. First, it was the grandkids who would measure every time they came over, to see if they were finally taller than Grandma. Now it's the great-grandkids starting to see when they are taller than grandma. And so the circle of like continues.
2 days later, I still pick another load of tomatoes.
This has been my first year for a good zucchini crop. I can pick the 3 bushes cleans and 3 or 4 days later, this is what I pick again. I have frozen shredded zucchini for baking this winter. I've give quite a bit away. I made a couple dozen of my Zucchini Chocolate Chip Muffins, Zucchini Bread, Fried Zucchini, Zucchini Fritters. And they keep coming.
Monday, July 19, 2021
June 2021
A neighbor across the street, (Lisa) went to visit her grandparents in California in the first part of June, and she brought back some freshly picked lemons from their tree and shared them with us.
Monday, June 28, 2021
May 2021
Dave and I ordered the Chile Relleno plate. We were surprised at how much food came on the plate. Everything was delicious and took us back to our days in Cabo San Lucas. The prices were very reasonable. This is sure to be on our list of restaurant rotations.
I also noticed, that in addition to tomatoes, the green peppers are also forming. The garden is really loving this warm dry climate. In past years, May has always been so rainy and chilly until Memorial Day, and then suddenly it gets HOT! Now I'm thinking, maybe I should have planted more.
Sunday, June 6, 2021
April 2021
We were seated with a view of the golf course and the mountain range.
For dinner, both Dave and I ordered the Prime Rib dinner. It was delicious, and so filling. We couldn't finish the whole plate. It was cooked to perfection.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
March 2021
Monday, March 29, 2021
February 2021
Februrary was once again a rather warm and dry month. We had a few days where we got just a light dusting of snow.
Then on February 16th, we finally got some snow. It wasn't much, but it was a start. And for the first time in 2 years, Dave started up the snowblower, and cleared the sidewalk. The rest of the month, we got a few more dustings. This was finally our winter. We are still lacking the much needed water for this summer. Hopefully, we'll have enough to water our yards and gardens.

Saturday, February 27, 2021
January 2021
A New Year, and a new start. January was still a dry and warm month. We had just a couple of days where we got only a dusting of snow. We are starting to get worried about the water situation for for 2021.
Like most of the nation, we sat in horror, as we watched the nation's capital building being desecrated, and looted by the riots of January 7th. And like most of the nation, we were grateful that the law enforcements were able to identify and charge the majority of those involved. Such a horrible act to witness on one of our most precious national building.
Dave and I didn't do anything, but "shelter at home", and continue to follow the Covid guidelines. According to our new governor's guidelines, we should be getting our vaccines next month. Governor Cox is agressively rolling out the vaccines to Utahans. We are hoping he will be a strong leader for our state and continue to help get us back on our feet. He seems to be moving us in the right direction.
One evening towards the end of the month, our friend, (Dave Argyle - the friend who invited us to the movie last month), came over for dinner. The 3 of us had a great evening, laughing, sharing stories, and just relaxing around the table.
Unfortunately, our grandchild lost the Denny's job, and is now looking for new employment. Hopefully, it won't be long before a new job opens up.
Here's hoping you and your family are doing well, and staying healthy. Happy and Healthy New Year.
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
December 2020
December was a rather warm and dry month, where we live. We had a couple of small snow showers, but it was usually less than a couple inches of snow, and it was melted off by noon.
Dave and I are still "sheltering at home", but the covid is starting to hit closer to home for us. Our neighbor across the street came down with the virus this month, and a dear friend of my for many years lost her husband the first part of the month. We also discovered that Dave's son and my son also contracted the virus, but recovered. I also discoverd that quite a few of my nieces and nephews also came down with the virus, but like most young people, recovered rather quickly, without problems.
A dear friend of mine, who lives around the corner, stopped by and left me with an Amaryliss bulb. It quickly sprouted and produced 6 large red blooms, which lasted all month long. It was quite a cheerful addtion to our house.For Hanukkah this year, I made a challuah bread and topped it with a homemade "Everything Bagel" topping. It was quite a hit, and enjoyed by everyone who stopped by the house. I made enough of the topping to use on other things, (i.e.: noodles, toast, etc.).
Dave is always happy when Jared can find the time to come visit. But, they needed to get on the road to try to beat a snowstorm that was moving in on their route, and would be settling in by the time they hit home.